Every client is different. You may have done a great job marketing in a specific niche. Maybe all your prospective clients come from a specific company or audience, but that doesn’t mean they are all the same. It’s essential that you know multiple closing styles and have the ability to adjust mid-meeting to use an effective closing technique.

Here are some tips to help you understand which closing style you should you.

  • Assess the client’s needs and behavior
    The first step in choosing the right closing technique is to understand the client’s needs, goals, and decision-making style. This information will help you determine which approach will be most effective in closing the deal. For example, if the client is indecisive, you may want to consider using the Ben Franklin close, which involves presenting both the pros and cons of a decision to the client. On the other hand, if the client is ready to make a decision, a direct close may be more appropriate.
  • Know your product
    Understanding the product or service you are selling and its benefits is critical in choosing the right closing technique. Some techniques may be more effective for certain products or services, so it’s important to be familiar with the product’s strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge will also help you tailor your approach to the client’s specific needs and goals.
  • Consider your personal style
    Different closing techniques may work better for different financial advisors based on their personal style and approach. Some advisors may prefer a more direct approach, while others may be more comfortable with a more collaborative approach. It’s important to choose a closing technique that aligns with your personal style and that you feel comfortable using.
  • Adapt to the situation
    It’s important to be flexible and adapt your closing technique based on the situation. For example, if the client is resistant to making a decision, it may be necessary to use a different approach than if the client is ready to make a purchase. By being responsive to the client’s needs and behavior, you can increase your chances of successfully closing the deal.
  • Practice and evaluate
    Finally, it’s important to practice different closing techniques and evaluate their effectiveness. This will help you develop your skills and refine your approach over time. The more you practice, the more confident and effective you will become in closing deals.

    Choosing the right closing technique is a critical aspect of being a successful financial advisor. By understanding the client’s needs and behavior, knowing your product, considering your personal style, adapting to the situation, and practicing and evaluating your approach, you can increase your chances of successfully closing more deals.



    Choosing the right closing technique is a critical aspect of being a successful financial advisor. By using the one that feels comfotable and suits the situation, you can increase your chances of successfully closing more deals.