Your website header is more important than you realize. It’s the first thing someone sees when they visit your site, and if they don’t see any value for themselves in the header, they won’t keep scrolling. That’s just the way it is: people are used to getting everything fast and want immediate answers. You have a max of five seconds. In those five seconds, it’s your job to convince them to keep reading.

The header needs to do three things for the site visitor in five seconds:

  1. Tell the visitor what you do
  2. Tell them how it benefits them
  3. Tell them how to get it (Call-to-Action button)

Here is an example. It’s not a perfect example, but it works:

    1. Tell the visitor what you do
      • Financial Planning
    2. Tell them how it benefits them
      • “Wherever Life Takes You”, “The family office of (firm) will create the road map to get you there”.
    3. Tell them how to get it (Call-to-Action button)
      • “Take Your First Steps Today”

    The first step is answered very clearly. The second step only works because of the image that ties it together. If we remove the image, then “Wherever Life Takes You”, “The family office of (firm) will create the road map to get you there”, and “Take Your First Steps Today” doesn’t work great. That’s why I started by saying its not a perfect example but it works.

    Altogether, it does answer the questions in five seconds or less.

    Take a look at your website header and make changes to the text so you can answer those three questions for the site visitor in under five seconds.

    By doing this, you will get more leads and more opportunities to bring in new business.



    Your website’s header should convey three important pieces of information to your visitor in five seconds or less. By doing this, you will get more leads and more opportunities to bring in new business.